NEFFA Performer Application 2025

Information about the Festival is available at


Type Applications accepted until
General October 15, 2024
Dance performance January 5, 2025
Ritual/Morris dance January 15, 2025

We will send you instructions on how to enter and/or update your contact data and group information after receiving your application.

Several questions ask for names of performers or groups. It's important to make sure these entries match the NEFFA Performer Index for existing performers. When you type a name in these fields, the system will pop up a box of possible matches, if any are found. If you can't find someone who you think should be in the master database, it may help if you visit this page and hunt around: NEFFA Performer Index

id: name

Your name *

For our convenience, please use the format Lastname COMMA Firstname (as in Cannon,Jon with no embedded space).

If this application is for an individual or duo, this should be the main performer name. If for a group, this should be the name of the group leader.

Our standard for recording names is LAST, then a comma, then FIRST, and we don't put a space after the comma.

id: email

Your email address *

id: phone

What is the best phone number at which to reach you? *

id: main_performer

Should the performer for this event be listed as an individual, a duo, or a named group? *

The individual applying Individual
A an-hoc duo consisting of the individual applying and another performer Duo
A group Group
The Duo category is for use when two performers are getting together for a special event at NEFFA, but don't want to bother with choosing a group name. Duos are free to use the Group category, if desired.
id: performer2  |  show_if: ["main_performer","Duo"]

Second performer name for duo *

For our convenience, please use the format Lastname COMMA Firstname (as in Cannon,Jon with no embedded space).

id: group_name  |  show_if: ["main_performer","Group"]

Name of group? *

For our convenience, please write group names that start with "The" in the format Beatles,The or Talking Heads,The.

Make sure this name exactly matches the name of your group and avoid abbreviations. After we complete the initial processing of your application, we'll send you a link that will allow you to manage your group membership list.

id: busy

Other performers (besides group members) supporting this event (optional)

For our convenience, please use the format Lastname COMMA Firstname (as in Cannon,Jon with no embedded space).

Is there an unbilled accompanist or temporary addition to your band who will be joining you for NEFFA? If this event is scheduled, these people will not be simultaneously scheduled for other events in the same time slot. You can list one person here, then put any additional names in the comment section at the end. If this application is for a group, don't list the members here -- you'll receive a link by email that will allow you to manage your membership list.

id: app_category

What category best describes this particular application? *

Dance band proposing a session requiring no additional caller or teacher Band_Solo
Dance band proposing to play for a session led by a caller or teacher (who is not a member of the band) Band
Dance caller or teacher Caller
Ritual dance (including morris, rapper, etc) Ritual
Dance performance (indoors) Performance
Everything else (folk music, song, storytelling, lectures, discussions, etc) Other
The answer to this question may be different on other applications; please choose the option that best fits with this application only. Please note that dance bands and callers/dance leaders MUST SUBMIT SEPARATE APPLICATIONS unless the caller is in the band. If a caller wants to work with a specific band, they can specify that below.
id: fms_category  |  show_if: ["app_category","Other"]

Which Folk Music and Song committee would be best to evaluate your application? *

Participatory Jam (primarily instrumental) jam
Participatory Song (primarily vocal, with or without accompaniment) song
Concert (focus on the applicant’s group) concert
Spoken Word (storytelling, presentation, discussion) spoken_word
Applicants may wish to present more than one type of event, but for this application, you have to choose JUST one. If you would like to be considered for more than one type of event, PLEASE fill out another application!
id: dance_style  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band","Band_Solo","Caller"]

Which dance committee would be best to evaluate your application? *

American Dance (contra, square, etc.) American
International Line Dance (Balkan, Israeli, Breton, etc.) Int_Line
English, Couples, and Other Dance (e.g. English, Scottish, Irish, Scandi, Polish, waltz, swing, blues, step dance, other) English_Couples
Bands may wish to play for more than one type of dance event, but for this application, you have to choose JUST one. If you would like to be considered for more than one type of dancing, PLEASE fill out another application!
id: specific_dance_style  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band"]

If you have a preference, what specific style or styles of dance would you like to play for? (optional)

Any information you give us here helps to match you with a caller or teacher.
id: music_pref  |  show_if: ["app_category","Caller"]

Music preference *

This event needs a band band
This event could use a band but I can provide recorded music if live music is not available either
I prefer to use recorded music, which I will provide recorded
NEFFA prefers to use live music whenever possible. Please note that callers/dance teachers must submit their own applications and dance bands must submit separate applications.
id: preferred_band  |  show_if: ["music_pref","band","either"]

Preferred band (optional)

If you have a preference, please specify what band or bands you would prefer to work with. We may not be able to pair you with your preferred band. Again, note that the band must submit a separate application.
id: recorded_type  |  show_if: ["music_pref","either","recorded"]

Do you need a CD player? *

Yes Yes
No No
id: preferred_caller  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band"]

Preferred caller/dance leader (optional)

If you have a preference, please specify what callers or dance leaders you would prefer to work with. We may not be able to pair you with your preferred callers or dance leaders. Note that the caller must submit a separate application, even if they are part of your group.
id: conflicts  |  show_if: ["app_category","Ritual"]

Conflicts and Preferences *

Please use this box to indicate any other scheduling preferences or potential conflicts. This includes other Morris teams or other NEFFA events/groups involving members of your team. Please use performer/group names as they have been listed on the grid, for example:

Different time from Best Band Ever
Not in same slot as Morris Team Z
Same day as Choral Group ABC

id: availability

Availability *

These hours refer to the times that you are available to perform. Please note that the greater your availability, the greater the likelihood that you will be scheduled. If some times are better than others, mark them Preferred. You must make a selection for every timeslot.

Any time during the Festival is OK

Time Friday Saturday Sunday
Any time today Any time today Any time today
No time today No time today No time today
No OK Preferred No OK Preferred No OK Preferred
10am to 11am
11am to noon
noon to 1pm
1pm to 2pm
2pm to 3pm
3pm to 4pm
4pm to 5pm
5pm to 6pm
6pm to 7pm
7pm to 8pm
8pm to 9pm
9pm to 10pm
10pm to 11:30pm
id: event_title  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band_Solo","Caller","Other"]

What is your EVENT'S TITLE? (30 characters at most) *

Please be careful about avoiding spelling errors, and do not use all capital letters. This title will appear on the web Festival Schedule, the Paper Grid, and in the Program Book. When crafting an event title, please try to be descriptive, although cleverness is also welcome. The event title should be different from the group name (for example, don't use "[your name] in Concert") and should provide audience members with an idea of the theme. The Program Committee may change the title because of printing constraints or clarity issues.
id: event_desc  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band_Solo","Caller","Other"]

Please describe your EVENT (NOT your group!) *

This is a description of this specific, proposed NEFFA session. This text will be read by Festival-goers. Please avoid spelling errors, and do not use all capital letters. Try to limit this description to no more than 30 words (fewer is better!). This description gives the Program Committee and Festival participants a more precise idea of what to expect from your event. This description should give additional information, and not be a repeat of the Event Title.
id: num_dancers  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

How many dancers? *

[Note to admins: we are no longer asking for dance performance stage directions in the public application. These fields are still visible to admins.]
id: how_long  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

How long? *

id: showcased  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

Country or region being showcased? *

id: music_begins  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

Music begins ... *

before dancers enter. before
as dancers enter. during
after dancers are in position. after
id: props  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

What props, if any? (optional)

id: enter_from  |  show_if: ["app_category","Performance"]

Dancers enter from... *

Right Right
Left Left
Both Both
id: event_type  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band_Solo","Caller","Other"]

Event Type *

ENTERTAINMENT -- Events that people watch or listen to (concerts, performance, etc.). E
CHAT -- The audience joins the presenter in discussing a topic of mutual interest. C
PRESENTATION -- Events which demonstrate a skill or present material, as in a lecture. P
GROUP PARTICIPATION -- Audience participation is the primary focus, as in group singing, jams, etc. G
TEACHING FEATURED -- Participatory events that focus on teaching a particular skill. T
PARTICIPATORY DANCING -- A leader provides walk-thrus and prompting. D
NO INSTRUCTION -- Dances featuring no instruction or walk-thrus. N
id: level  |  show_if: [["app_category","Band_Solo","Caller","Other"],["event_type","G","T","D","N"]]

Level Code *

FAMILY-ORIENTED -- Participatory events geared to families and others who enjoy being with children F
BEGINNER-FRIENDLY -- No experience assumed B
SOME EXPERIENCE HELPFUL -- Basic knowledge assumed S
EXPERIENCED -- Much experience assumed X
Not applicable NA
These level codes indicate the intended level of experience or ability, especially for dance and teaching events.
id: room_size  |  show_if: ["app_category","Other"]

What size room work for this event? *

We have rooms with capacities ranging from 80 to 1000.
Some can accommodate dancing, and one is a lecture hall with tiered seating.
Please describe what kind of rooms would work well for your event.
id: room_sound  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band","Band_Solo","Other"]

Do you need a sound system? *

No amplification needed none
Self-service performer operated mic self
Full sound system full
id: sound_needs  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band","Band_Solo","Other"]

Sound system requirements. (Write 'N/A' if you would not use a sound system even if one was available) *

If you are booked for a room with a full sound system, how many inputs do you expect to need, and for what instruments? Please provide as much information as you have at this time. You will not be held to this, but it will help us with our planning.
id: piano  |  show_if: ["app_category","Band","Band_Solo","Other"]

Do you need a piano? *

Yes Yes
No No
id: shared  |  show_if: ["app_category","Caller","Band_Solo","Other"]

Are you willing to work with others on a shared event? (optional)

Yes Yes
No No
(NEFFA often gets applications for similar events.)
id: url

Video URL (optional)

If you would like to share a video of you/your group performing, please give us the url here. This is very helpful for us if you've not performed at NEFFA before or not in a while.
id: notes

Any additional questions, comments? (optional)

Do not write below here